Somewhere In Neverland taby ukulele według All Time Low (Chwyty barytonu)

5 Chwyty użyte w piosence: D, A, Bm, G, A#m

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Tablature / Chords (Cały utwór)

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Rok:  2013
Akord: D, BmChwyty
Intro: D D A A Bm Bm G G 

Verse 1:

Say goodbye to the halls and the classes
Bm Bm G G
Say hello to a the job and the taxes
The Weekends with old friends
Bm Bm G G
spilling into 9 to 5 routine

(Same chords for next half of verse)
Tell me how you feel over and done with
Like your life is a map with no compass to guide
At the bar drinking way too much
We sing along to forever young,

So here we go again (again)
Wish that we could start again

Wendy run away with me
Bm Bm G G
I know I sound crazy don't you see what you do to me
I wanna be a lost boy
A A Bm Bm
The last chance a better reality

(Same Chords for second half of chorus)

Wendy we can get away
I promise if you're with me say the word and well find a way
And I can be a lost boy
The last chance your everything that I planned
Ohh Somewhere in neverland (2x)

(Repeat Intro)

Verse 2: (Same chords as First Verse)

Well start a life of the plane and the simple
Of great times with far better people
And weekends with our friends
Laughing about the wine that stains there teeth
We'll talk about how your parents separated and
How you don't wanna make the same mistakes as them
I'll say it's all about sticking it out and trying to feel forever young

Chorus 2: (Same chords as First Chorus)

So here we go again (again)
Wish that we could start again
Wendy run away with me
I know I sound crazy don't you see what you do to me
I wanna be a lost boy
The last chance a better reality
Wendy we can get away
I promise if you're with me say the word and well find a way
And I can be a lost boy
The last chance your everything that I planned
Ohh Somewhere in neverland,


G G A A A#m A#m Bm Bm A A
(Oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh oh )

Final Chorus: (Same chords as Chorus One and Two)

So here we go again (again)
Wish that we could start again
Wendy run away with me
I know I sound crazy don't you see what you do to me
I wanna be a lost boy
The last chance a better reality
Wendy we can get away
I promise if you're with me say the word and well find a way
And I can be a lost boy
The last chance your everything that I planned
Ohh somewhere in neverland (x3),

Not that tricky, the chords just repeat a lot.

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taby ukulele według , 19 lut 2017

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