Przeróbki ukulele Gustavo Santaolalla- The last of Us Main Theme (Ukulele Cover) (Bluepumpkin64)

Gustavo Santaolalla- The last of Us Main Theme (Ukulele Cover), Bluepumpkin64 (Okładka Uke wykonana przez Eidorb12)

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This is my arrangement of The last of us main theme by Gustavo Santaolalla on the Ukulele. The video has been edited because of it's length and difficulty but i have done my best to retain quality of the video. Credit to Evan Handyside's guitar arrangement to help me create a version for it on ukulele, so i do not take full credit for my arrangement though i have made a few significant changes. Thankyou for watching :D, Please Like, Fav and Subscribe for more. Btw i might start filming in 720p because the upload speed is terrible :P

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