Impara a suonare l'ukulele : Popular songs' chords

Popular songs' chords

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Impara a suonare con semplici e facili da capire Lezioni di ukulele per principianti (inglese).
Livello: Principiante
Genere: Suggerimento veloce

Hi again ukists,

Today I'm going to tell you this cool fact, many popular songs have 4 chords repeated in the same order for the whole song. Those 4 chords in no particular order are: Am, F, G and C. Here are some examples.

Waltzing Matilda:

C G Am F

Save tonight:

Am F C G

La Bamba:

C F G(7)

Along with many others.

From Hasmat.

Lezione di , 29 mar 2016

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