Was It Something I Said Feat. Cavetown Tab par MyKey

4 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: Bb, F, C, Gm

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Album:  inconnu
Tonalité: F, DmAccords
Tonalité originale: +0.5 demi-tons (accordage original)
Tab / progression d'accords arrangée pour le Ukulélé.
[To play in original key +1 half step or capo on first fret :) ]

Alright should I go? Yeah go ahead
B B*
Was it something I said (oh f-)

F# F# C# C# B B G#m G#m

-Verse 1-
F# F#
Guess it's time for sad boy kiss and tell
C# C#
You ruined my life but I wish you well
I lied about that second part, oh well
F# F#
Quit leaving me voicemails about your pain
C# C# B B
Shouldn't have to listen to the shit you say
G#m G#m
Why'd you even bring it up in the first place?

Was it something I said

That made you anxious yeah
F# F#
it made you upset
C# C# G#m G#m
Made you call me back at 3am
C# C#
Just to tell me your defense
G#m G#m
Was it something I said

That made you anxious yeah
F# F#
it made you upset
C# C# G#m G#m
Made you wanna go and bitch to your friends
C# C#
Was it something that I said

-Verse 2-
F# F#
Running on negative hours of sleep
C# C#
Pretty positive she’s in my bloodstream
She’s probably way over me
F# F#
Surely gotta settle down later on
C# C#
Figured that I must be doing something wrong
B B G#m G#m
For now I’ll hide under the covers and bite my tongue

Was it something I said

That made you anxious yeah
F# F#
it made you upset
C# C# G#m G#m
Made you call me back at 3am
C# C#
Just to tell me your defense
G#m G#m
Was it something I said

That made you anxious yeah
F# F#
it made you upset
C# C# G#m G#m
Made you wanna go and bitch to your friends
C# C#
Was it something that I said

Tab par , 20 mai 2020

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