Christmas Is The Time To Say I Love You Tab par Billy Squier

6 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: D, G, Bm, Em, E, A

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Année:  2012
Tonalité: D, BmAccords
Tonalité originale: +2.0 demi-tons (accordage original)
Tab / progression d'accords arrangée pour le Ukulélé.
F# F# B B F# F#
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
F# F# D#m D#m G#m G#m
Share the joys of laughter and good cheer
B B G# G# F# F#
Christmas is the time to say "I love you"
D#m D#m G#m G#m C# C# F# F#
C C#nd a feeling that will last all through the year

F# F# B B F# F#
On the corner carolers are singing
F# F# D#m D#m G#m G#m
There's a touch of magic in the air
B B G# G# F# F# D#m D#m
From grownup to minor no one could be finer
G#m G#m C# C#
Times are hard but no one seems to care
F# F# B B F# F#
Christmas Eve and all the world is watching
F# F# D#m D#m G#m G#m
Santa guides his reindeer through the dark
B B G# G# F# F# D#m D#m
From rooftop to chimney, from Harlem to Bimini
G#m G#m C# C# F# F#
They will find a way into your heart

Repeat Chorus

Solo: Repeat Chorus Chords

F# F# B B F# F#
Just outside the window snow is falling
F# F# D#m D#m G#m G#m
But here beside the fire we share the glow
B B G# G# F# F#
Of moonlight and brandy, sweet talk and candy
G#m G#m C# C#
Sentiments that everyone should know
F# F# B B F# F#
Memories of the year that lays behind us
F# F# D#m D#m G#m G#m
Wishes for the year that's yet to come
B B G# G# F# F# D#m D#m
And it stands to reason that good friends in season

G#m G#m C# C# F# F#
Make you feel that life has just begun

Repeat Chorus

B B G# G# F# F# D#m D#m
So when spirits grow lighter and hopes are shinin' brighter
G#m G#m C# C# F# F#
Then you know that Christmas time is here

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