Something to say?


The sound is really off :( It does not sound like the actual song. We're not being negative, just honest...

DeusExMakena, 27 Jun 2014.

This is actually really good, thumbs down to the people being negative. You probably spent alot of time on this and people are just being meh. It's actually 90% correct except for the fact that it's a Bb not a Bm

finnandjake9, 19 Jun 2012.

find another version. this one isn't correct

GammonUke, 31 Jan 2012.

I know I'm a noobie and what not, but I'm pretty sure it's a Bb not a Bm. Just playin what sounds right =D. Peace to you fellow uke!

ScaryPuppyXD, 04 Mar 2010.

im not o sure that theeres an F after the "dont" in the chorus line

viviv, 09 Aug 2009.

faaaail D:

HAppyycloud, 08 Aug 2009.

give the chords

huntermorley, 08 Aug 2009.