Now My Heart Is Full Tab par Morrissey (Accords Baryton)

4 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: C, F, G, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Année:  1994
Tonalité: C, AmAccords
Verse:  C C                  F F       G G    C C                      F F       
There's gonna be some trouble, A A whole house will need rebuilding
G G Am Am G G F F
and everyone I love, in the house will recline on an analyst's
couch quite soon.
Am Am G G F F
Your father cracks a joke and in the usual way empties the room
Tell all of my...
Chorus? C C Am Am F F
...friends, I don't have too many, just some raincoated lover's
puny brothers.
C C Am Am
Dallow, Spicer, Pinkie, Cubitt, rush to danger wind up nowhere,
Patric Doonan, raised to wait, I'm tired again, I tried again,

Chorus: C C C C Am Am G G C C C C Am Am G G
And Now my heart is full, now my heart is full,
C C C C Am Am G G
and I just can't explain so I won't even try to

Repeat chorus chords once more, then instrumental break of A A.

Comes back in on pre-chorus, same chords, different lyrics:

Dallow, Spicer, Pinkie, Cubitt, every jammy stressford poet,
loafing oafs in all-night chemists,loafing oafs in all-night chemists
underact, express depression, ahh but bunny I loved you,
I was tired again, I tried again...
repeat chorus

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