My Whole Life Crying Tab par Mishima (Accords Baryton)

5 Accords utilisés dans la chanson: Am, Dm, G, C, F

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Tablature / Chords (Chanson entière)

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Album:  inconnu
Tonalité: C, AmAccords
Am Am

Am Am Dm Dm G G C C
I've spent my whole life crying over myself
I've missed my youth just dreaming
I could talk to God
I'm tired of pretending
My life's a bliss
I'm really tired of knowing
My life's a mess

Am Am F F
Being just a silly mourner
I drink my days of joy
Being just a stupid dreamer
I forgot my lovers' names
Am Am Dm Dm
'Cause I was only crying
G G C C Am Am
Just crying over myself
And I was only dreaming
Just dreaming I could talk to God

But now these days are over, honey
As I'm finding where to live
I let my tears spring over
but I grabbed my handkerchiefs
And now these days are over, honey
As I'm learning how to sing
I let my tears spring over
but I grabbed my handkerchiefs

You'll better just be leaving
Or you'll soon catch a cold

You'll better just be leaving
Or you'll soon catch a cold

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